Exhibit A, the old teacher's desk. Exhibit B would be the new teacher's desk, except I forgot to take a picture of it. But it just looks like the computer desk, so picture that. Part of me wonders what my counterpart will clang her keys on now when she wants the students to shut up. Hopefully not on this desk.
In the first corner, a nook. In the second corner, the new nook. Did the mirror need to be there? Perhaps not. I've noticed that, contrary to my expectations, the boys are the ones who pause in front of it to fix their clothes most often.
On your left, our back wall. On your right, our back wall is completely obscured by the new shelves, which are the centerpiece of this project. You have no idea how many previously hidden books we discovered in the annals of the old locked cabinet that held them beforehand, including a book for children that introduces them to the reproductive cycle, puberty, sex, homosexuality, and abortion. I hope one of the kids finds it and starts a revolution of not pretending that sex doesn't exist.
There you go. I fear that the tone of this post has revealed too much about how I feel about this project, but there's not much to be done about that which doesn't involve deleting the whole post. I can't explicitly describe the rationale behind my negativity, but it has a lot to do with the fact that this kind of grant-based project is the only eason-ray why I was rought-bay oo-tay is-thay ool-schay, and I ope-hay at-thay ere-thay will ever-nay e-bay another olunteer-vay ere-thay.
El way, ed say!
Wait, is that last part in Georgian? I don't understand. -Bald Ryan
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