Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Locations Locations Locations

Wanna donate blankets or winter clothes to our project? If it's not October 13th yet, then grab the keys to the nearest vehicle, or your STS bus pass, and head on over to one of these locations. Please note that only students and their families can use the schools as drop points...

Pro Fitness Gym -- Wildewood Shopping Center
Shoppers Food Warehouse -- San Souci Plaza
Great Mills High School
Leonardtown High School
Esperanza Middle School
Spring Ridge Middle School
Hollywood Elementary School

Also a reminder, financial donations are gladly accepted and will be either extremely or desperately needed, depending on how many blankets we end up with. Click on the Paypal Donate button on the top-right side of this blog, or send a check to the address I gave you in the last post.

And check this out:

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