Friday, May 30, 2008

48 days left

It's our obsession-- the countdown to our last day. My apologies, but expect future posts to contain nothing but numbers. I have a friend who calculated the amount of hours left until COS, but that's something I'm going to save for the 1,000-hours-left landmark.

Believe it or not, in between trying to stomp out the embers of the last few projects that are still going on, I have been writing blog posts. However, the internet cafe I frequent in Samtredia has decided that it would like to suck for my last month and a half, which prevents me from making any posts. I guess the only way around that is to come to Tbilisi four times a month... it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

Future posts...

- Before-and-afters of this project, and also of another project that we didn't need your pity money for because we got some from USAID
- More anxious whining about a future of unemployment
- A wrap-up of our All-Star English performance on Wednesday the 4th, featuring special guests Embassy Staff and Peace Corps Staff
- More anxious whining about returning to America as a fatty

Hold your breath!

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