Thursday, June 15, 2006

At the airport

Well that sounds like the beginning of an exciting post, doesn't it? Kinda like today... how we checked out at 8 AM, sat around for two hours, rode a bus for three hours (why do staging at Philly if we're flying out of JFK? Maybe it's better... NYC staging would have consisted of me hanging out with existing New York friends instead of all this networking stuff), and now have sat around the airport for 4 hours. At 6:15, we will sit on a plane for 10 hours, have a layover in Vienna for 14 hours, sit in another plane for like 4 hours, and then hopefully Tbilisi will bring an end to the waiting. Training doesn't technically start till like Tuesday, but there's gotta be something we'll be doing... like learning the language perhaps...

On another note, I'm happy to point out that I'm way less miserable than I was when I first left for Philadelphia, and I'm actually excited to be going now. Maybe I like waiting...

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