Sunday, December 03, 2006

Thoughts of Train

All in all, quite the irritating weekend continues. First, to explain the title: I was on the dear, sweet, nonthreatening (unlike certain other modes of transportation) train and then it failed me. It took us 4 hours to go 50 miles, and at that point I realized that I was going to miss the birthday party I was heading in for, so I got off at a random stop and took various other public transports back to site. Boo!

The second irritating thing is going on as I write this. Since I had plenty of spare time last night to resize digital pictures so I could upload them, I thought I'd do that today. This connection is so slow that it times out trying to load a tiny little 40KB picture. And it's entirely because the guy running the place (oh, and there's no one else here other than him to share the bandwidth with) is playing some high-bandwidth video game. Now let's see, who should get the bandwidth, that guy who's being paid to be here, or the person who's paying to be here? Hmm, hmm, what a conundrum. I've been wishing for his computer to be unplugged for the last hour. I foresee a total 2 hour progress of uploading about five pictures. Yay for me. They're here , if you're interested.

I'll be in Tbilisi next weekend for some meetings, maybe I'll upload a gazillion pictures then.

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