Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Letter to My Nation's Currency

Dear US Dollar,

Thanks so much for depreciating from 1.75 to 1.47 lari during my relatively brief time here in Georgia. On behalf of our program staff who are paid in dollars, it really makes a difference when you can watch your income dwindle even having swiped nary a credit card, and it's especially nice during a time when world food prices are rising. On behalf of my school, we really appreciate how the two-month period between when we wrote our grant (in dollars) and when we received our payment saw such a drop in the price of the dollar that we lost $78 from our budget of $1000. A special thanks from me for making it near impossible to travel back through Europe when it comes time to leave Georgia, since everything priced in Euros may as well be paved with gold.

Yours Truly,

Jennifer McFann

P.S. I would greatly appreciate it if you'd greatly appreciate.

1 comment:

Casey said...

Oh Jennifer, this is one post that belongs on an op/ed page of every major newpaper or podcast. Brilliant!

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